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Salient Features

Academic accomplishment through teachers who make the lessons engaging by following various methods of teaching like demonstration, experimentation, project work, and home assignments.

Nurturing intellectual prowess

Students are given quality education by highly qualified teachers. Successful performance in school is supported by a wide range of abilities, attitudes and socio-emotional competencies, beyond traditional literacy and numeracy skills. Academic development provides students with the goals and skills necessary in the classroom that will help them to achieve professional success later in life. 

Encouraging rational thinking

Interactive classes, inclusive education system and training have been encouraging rational thinking among the young learners.The applied way of teaching has made them competent enough to stand at the top in any field they opt for. Students are trained to think “outside of the box,” We give them lots of opportunities to tackle complex topics for which there are no easy or singularly correct answers. Open-ended classroom discussions on social and philosophical problems stimulate rational thinking.

Developing scientific thought

Science is an organised method of investigating the material world through experimentation, observation, and verification. Science considers all phenomena to be natural rather than supernatural, and humans have the ability to uncover the rules that operate these phenomena. Scientific scholars offer knowledgeable statements on various theories by drawing their rich command of processes, concepts, and principles. Therefore, a new intellectual temperament is encouraged which is known as scientific temperament. Scientific temper is about applying similar methods of rational inquiry and questioning in everyday life. 

Encouraging a sense of community and tolerance

D.A.V. Nandraj promotes tolerance and acceptance by offering multicultural clubs and activities. These clubs provide students with a forum to share their experiences and learn from one another. They also help peer students to develop leadership skills and a sense of community. They are taught to follow the policy of acceptance and to work together as a team.

Cultivating a sense of responsibility and accountability

Teachers play an important role in fostering accountability among students. By guiding and encouraging students to take ownership of their learning and actions, teachers help cultivate a sense of responsibility and accountability. They leave no stone unturned to foster accountability skills in students.

Spreading an awareness of environmental issues

Environmental awareness is essential to demonstrate how humans can protect and preserve their natural resources. Educating the students can reduce the use of plastics and water waste while promoting recycling to reduce landfill waste. We provide opportunities to students to promote environmental awareness as a student. We celebrate World Environment Day, World Water Day, The Earth Day, etc. to encourage students to save the environment and the earth.

Developing leadership qualities in every sphere of life

Leadership qualities in students help to boost their confidence level. In addition, these qualities also support them in this digital age. In this dynamic global scenario, our young generations need many more skills which we have implemented from the session 2024-25. Because of these skills, leadership, collaboration, digital literacy, etc. are imparted to them.  Workshops and special classes are held for developing life skills in students, enabling them to contribute to a progressive and healthy society. We provide an environment which feeds and nurtures the growth of students. Here all individuals are valued in a secular, inclusive, multicultural and co-educational community.Â