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Principal Desk

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today

The modern era is a time of great changes. In education too we see rapid changes taking place. Empowerment of students for their all-round development through education is our long cherished and only motto. We endeavor to impress upon our students that rather than taking recourse to shortcuts, they should work hard with sincerity, since that alone will enable them to achieve their goals.

As the Principal of the school I believe in upholding high standards with an absolute commitment to improve the educational process. Academic excellence is our major thrust. We provide an atmosphere to our students for the multifaceted development of their talents. Children are encouraged to channelize their potential and are eventually groomed into self-reliant and independent men and women to shoulder their responsibilities and to make a mark in all walks of life.

We want education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet. The backbone of every educational institute is its team of dedicated skilled and committed teachers. Our teachers strive hard to promote high levels of learning providing our students a platform for their physical, mental and intellectual development following the rapidly changing parameters for transmitting knowledge. We instill the ideals of Indian culture and human values while preparing the children academically for their future.

Wholesome participation is encouraged in the extensive range of extra-curricular activities taking care to ensure the well-being and happiness of each and every student in the school. Students are harnessed in a supportive atmosphere of becoming a responsible balanced and a mature adult to contribute and to shoulder the responsibilities. In course of our this effort we explore the possibilities in every individual child to hone his/her skills in the pursuit of achieving his/her goal. Physical Education, Sports and Games and Co-curricular activities are scheduled keeping in view the rapidly changing curriculum. A joyful experiential learning system is followed wherein each child is encouraged to participate whole heartedly.

On the whole the school aims to equip the pupils to be brave, brilliant and focused towards their aim and be able to pick the right choice for them.

Our school has chosen to place itself at the forefront of educational development along with fostering the values of courtesy, consideration and individual holistic grooming. Let us work silently and let our success make noise.

~ Ravi Prakash Tiwary