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Parents Guidelines

✓ Parents/guardians are requested to check the school almanac of their ward daily and note the instructions / Remarks made in it. It should be seen and countersigned by parents daily as a proof that remarks have been read. Failure to do so may defeat the purpose of remarks.

✓ Parents must ensure that the things which are strictly banned in the school should not be provided to their wards, such as electronic gadgets, camera, mobiles. If caught, it will not be returned, even to the parents.

✓ Parents must ensure that their ward do not bring any valuable items to school. The school will not take any responsibility, in case of loss.

✓ Taking leave during working days is strongly discouraged. Parents are responsible to make up for the loss of studies in case of leave taken. The school will expect these students to be at par with the class in every way and that will have to be ensured by the parents.

✓ For the best result parents must motivate and support their child establish a proper study area. Home work must be given a priority in the daily schedule. Please motivate your ward to speak in English.

✓ Criticism of a teacher of the school in presence of a child must be scrupulously avoided as it causes students to lose respect for their teacher with the consequent failure to learn from him/her, thus retarding the child’s progress.

✓ Parents can meet the Principal and teachers during the visiting hours. Please do not try to contact Principal or teachers at their residence.

✓ The school rules should first be followed by the parents such as paying fee on time, attending all PTMs, coming to school on call from teachers. Students will adhere the positive response and act accordingly.

✓ Involve your ward in household chores at least to channelize their energy in constructive work. It will also reduce aggression in them.

✓ Parents are requested to inform the school if there is any change in address/ Tel. numbers.

✓ Withdrawal from any class must be preceded by a month’s notice in writing or a month’s fee in lieu of notice.

✓ Transfer Certificate will be issued only after settlement of all dues.

✓ Transfer Certificate can be released after one week of the receipt of the written request for the same.

✓ Parents may be asked by the school authorities to withdraw their child from the school without prior notice, based on any of the following grounds:

(a) Academic: Constant neglect of studies i.e. failing in the same class for two consecutive years.

(b) Disciplinary: Conduct of the students being found harmful to the interest of the school