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Orientation Program at DAV Nandraj Public School


Today, the orientation class for the twelfth-grade students was conducted at DAV Nandraj Public School, Bariatu. On this occasion, Dr. Mrinal Pathak, Associate Professor at BIT Mesra, guided the students, saying that being born in India is a result of merits accumulated over several lifetimes.

Our greeting, “Namaste,” has become a global salutation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether it’s the invention of zero or the concept of atomic theory, grammar in language, the first flight of an airplane, yoga, architecture, astrology, metallurgy, or management, India has always been a leader.

We should learn to be cautious. We need to move from self-interest to thinking about the world. The world is looking towards us today, making it essential for us to control our senses and strive to be the best. Only then will others listen to us.

When we travel abroad, the demand for India is high. People have expectations from us. Indian religion, duty, education, politics, and economics are complementary to each other, not contradictory.

Therefore, let’s dedicate ourselves wholeheartedly to our goals. This is the secret to success. The students were also taught effective memorization techniques.

Principal Dr. Ravi Prakash Tiwari expressed hope that Dr. Pathak would continue to visit and provide multifaceted benefits to the students. He believed that the students would indeed be greatly benefited. The program concluded with music.


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