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    1. Shortlisting of applicants based on several criteria set by the school.
    2. Intimation to shortlisted candidates via E-mail.
    3. Written test as per following pattern:
    1. Paper – I                            : General English , General Awareness  and Pedagogy
    2. Paper – II                           : Applied Subject
    3. Level of Examination      : Graduation
    4. Duration                            : Paper – I (1½ Hours)
      : Paper – II (2 Hours)


    1. Paper – I                        : General English , General Awareness  and Pedagogy
    2. Paper – II                       : Applied Subject
    3. Level of Examination    : Graduation & Post Graduation
    4. Duration                        : Paper – I (1½ Hours)
    5. : Paper – II (2 Hours)
    • Candidates qualifying in written test will be called for demo and Interview.
    • After successful demo and Interview candidates will be empanelled and offer letter will be issued.